Thank you everyone who joined HVCA on Thursday, November 30, 2017 for a panel discussion on what’s coming up on the 2018 legislative agenda. Our esteemed panelists discussed the programs and initiatives that affect the future of the innovation economy in Hawaii. After the panel we also hosted an open discussion on what strategies are needed to continue gaining support for the innovation community.
Our Featured Panelists Included:
- Senator Glenn Wakai - Senate, District 15, Hawaii State Legislature
- Representative Mark Nakashima - House of Representatives, District 1, Hawaii State Legislature
- Sunshine Topping - VP - Human Resources, Hawaiian Telcom
- Todd Nacapuy - Chief Innovation Office, Office of Enterprise Technology Services, State of Hawaii
- Luis Salaveria - Director, Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism
Proudly sponsored by Pineapple Tweed, High Technology Development Corporation (HTDC) and the Plaza Club Honolulu. For more information about sponsorship opportunities, contact Sandy Shiraki at