Luncheon Recap: Kid-Preneurs - K-12 Innovation Programs in Hawaii

Thank you for joining us in learning how we are investing in our kid-preneurs. We discussed what the K-12 programs in Hawaii are helping grow and train the next generation of entrepreneurs, and how we are planting that seed and showing our youth Hawaii is a place that can support their endeavors as they continue to grow.

Our Featured Panelists Included: 

  • Miki Tomita - Co-Founder at Education Incubator & Program Director at Moonshoot Laboratory HI 
  • Ian Kitajima - Director of Corporate Development at Oceanit 
  • Josh Reppun - Most Likely to Succeed Ambassador 
  • Steve Sue - Chairman at BizGym Foundation and Lemonade Alley 
  • Lauren Nahme - Vice President of Strategy and Innovation at Kamehameha Schools 
  • Brian Dote - Chief Innovation Officer at Mid-Pacific Institute 

Proudly sponsored by Pineapple Tweed, High Technology Development Corporation (HTDC), and the Plaza Club Honolulu. For more information about sponsorship opportunities, contact Sandy Shiraki at